Saturday, May 18, 2013


This is what life does. 
Makes you happy when you cry,
makes pain into joy under your clavicle,
heart smashing against your sternum

Sends a flush of red across
your neck, so you can’t hide your feelings.
Sends a bird song into
your ear so you can’t deny there’s flight.

Grateful to stand when they walk up front
and set the offering plates down.
Ushers in sticky Sunday suits, pulling their cuffs.

All rising.
Cold wood under my hand.
Mom’s elbow brushing mine.
Daddy still alive and
wearing his blue and white striped seersucker jacket.
Shaven, attentive, smell of old spice.
He was always a good boy.

Praise God from whom all blessings flow.
Praise him all creatures here below.

Here below the gaping sky,
there’s rain down my face,
a sudden summer storm.
And sun on the other side.